Dog ‘boops’ nose of blind, deaf friend to let him know he’s there

Some animals are blind, but just because they can’t see doesn’t mean they can’t live life to the fullest — sometimes they just need a little help from their friends.

Like one blind dog, whose best friend has an adorable way of letting him know he’s there.

Tamale was born blind and deaf, but that hasn’t stopped him from living his best life. He was adopted as a puppy by his owner Kayleigh Otstot, who says Tamale is a playful, happy pet just like any other.

“He will oftentimes run into things, but other than that, I see him as a completely normal dog,” Kayleigh told The Dodo.

Tamale’s differences also haven’t kept him from making good friends and playing with other dogs.

In fact, he has a best friend named Jimmy, who has come up with an adorable way of letting the blind dog know he’s there.

A viral TikTok video shows how the two dogs begin their playdates: since Tamale can’t see Jimmy, Jimmy “boops” Tamale’s nose, his signal that he’s there and ready to play:


i love these two 🥺 ##bestfriend ##bestfriends ##deaf ##blind ##doublemerle ##aussie ##goldenretriever ##fyp

♬ hell never love you like i can – Evie 🖤

The “boop” has now gone viral with 1.8 million views.

It’s so sweet to see how this dog knows how to signal his friend — it’s seems Jimmy is aware of Tamale’s disabilities and found a special way to cater to him.

As soon as he gets the signal, Tamale happily jumps out of the car, knowing that his best friend is by his side, and the two begin to play.

Tamale’s Instagram and TikTok accounts show the dogs’ adorable adventures together:


two best friends

♬ follow me – ellie mae hogan🦋

What an adorable duo. We all need a best friend like this!

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