For Americans, it was an interesting election night to say the least, with much of the outcome still up in the air.
But regardless of your political affiliation, we’ve got one result that is sure to please animal lovers on both sides of the aisle.
Most dog owners know it’s not about the breed but how a dog is raised. But that hasn’t stopped people from discriminating against certain breeds — especially pit bulls, who have an unfair reputation for being vicious, aggressive dogs.

Some areas go as far as to ban these dogs — like Denver, which for 30 years has had a ban on pit bulls and other terriers.
But as locals headed to the polls on November 3, they got the chance to undo the ban.
According to CBS Denver, the city counsel voted to repeal the ban back in February, but it was vetoed by Mayor Michael Hancock. Later, Councilman Chris Herndon proposed a measure to allow pit bulls, under the requirement that they be registered, microchipped and vaccinated.
That measure made it onto the ballot… and voters supported it with flying colors. According to the Denver Post, the measure had a reported 64.5% approval on Tuesday night.

While the measure also requires owners to pay an annual fee and limits them to two pit bulls per home, these requirements can be reevaluated in three years; if there are no violations pit bulls will be treated like any other dog, CBS Denver reported.
It’s great news for pit bull advocates everywhere. Pit bulls have so long been the victims of a negative image—they are the most common dog breed to be found in shelters.
Hopefully many pet owners in Dallas realize how wonderful these dogs can be and give them good homes.
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