Buying a pet is a big responsibility, but sadly not everyone seems to understand that. The owner of this older German Shepherd decided to abandon him when the dog started to get problems related to bad breeding.
Grizzly, as the dog is named, was dumped in a ditch filled with trash. Can you imagine a worse fate? The dog obviously didn’t understand what it had done wrong. Fortunately, help was soon on the way.

The Hope for Paws organization was alerted and immediately went out to the place where Grizzly was lying in pain. JoAnn and Katie, who work for Hope for Paws, couldn’t believe their eyes when they found Grizzly among old plastic boxes and other junk.
According to reports, the dog must have been at this location for several weeks. Grizzly was suffering from spondylosis and arthritis and needed help immediately. Despite the hell he had to live through, and despite all the pain, JoAnn and Katie could see a smile on Grizzly’s face. He was both relieved and happy to be saved.

Grizzly had no microchip, so JoAnn and Katie weren’t able to identify him. They took the plucky pup to an animal hospital where the dog got a nice bath and a proper examination.
The veterinarian noted that Grizzly was suffering from chronic ear infections, but this was soon fixed with the help of some antibiotics.
Now, Grizzly is in need of a new family and a new, loving home. If you want to adopt him, you can contact The Lovejoy Foundation! for more information.
I really hope that Grizzly can have a new family where he feels loved – something that should be granted to all dogs.
It‘s both sad and tragic that we have to report these stories over and over again, but the positive thing is that we can help Grizzly find a new home by spreading this article as much as we can.
Hopefully there is someone out there who can adopt this beautiful dog!