Chihuahua saves 86-year-old Navy veteran’s life after he has a stroke while alone

For many people living alone their pet is their only companion and for some they are a lifeline.

Navy veteran Rudy Armstrong, from North Carolina, owes his life to his devoted pet dog Bubu.

The two go everywhere together so when 86-year-old Rudy got into trouble it was his tiny pet Chihuahua that was there to help.

Rudy was enjoying time on his houseboat with his loyal pet by his side when he suffered a stroke and fell to the floor.

His devoted dog knew there was something wrong and ran to the dockmaster to alert him by continuously barking.

The dockmaster saw the situation and called 911 for help.

Rudy was taken to CarolinaEast Medical Center and is now in the best of the hands until he can return to his sweet pooch.

“I’m excited about getting to see her,” Rudy told WCNT9 News. “I mean she sleeps with me, when I go someplace in the car she goes with me, and all that. You know I mean we do everything together.”

Dogs really are man’s best friend. Rudy is really lucky to have a clever and loyal dog like Bubu by his side. Get well soon Rudy.

Please share if you have a devoted and clever dog just like Bubu.

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