Adopted boy breaks down as his dog is put to sleep, has wise words for his mom

Putting a pet to sleep is an extremely difficult decision and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. When the time came for Maria Henry Gay and her family’s dog Buffy, she knew she had to include her son, Robbie.

Gay shared on Facebook that when Buffy was scheduled to have her teeth cleaned and removed, the vet had a “gut feeling” and wanted to check some lab work before putting Buffy under anesthesia.

Unfortunately, the vet was right. Buffy had signs of advanced kidney failure.

“…we decided that the kindest and most loving thing to do would be to let her go before she lost her will to live and stopped eating and drinking,” Gay wrote on Facebook.

Well, today didn't go as we hoped but it's in the hardest of times we learn the best lessons and feel the most…

Posted by Maria Henry Gay on Thursday, February 6, 2020

Even though putting an animal to sleep can be a traumatic experience, Gay didn’t want to leave her son out of the decision nor did she want to leave him behind when they said their final goodbyes.

Robbie held Buffy as she was put to sleep, something he asked his mom to do.

On their way home, he shared some wise words with his mother.

“I know how it feels not to be loved or cared for and I don’t want any animal of mine to ever feel that way. It’s only sad for us when they go to heaven. It’s a happy day for them.”

Robbie, who Gay added was adopted through the foster care system after years of “severe abuse and neglect,” warmed her heart and solidified her belief that her son was the “coolest.”

Since Robbie’s family adopts senior dogs, there’s no doubt he and his family will have to go through the pain again. But as Robbie reminded his mom, the length of time you’ve known someone doesn’t play a part in how much you love them.

When asked to explain, Robbie said, “Well, you’ve only known me for two years, but you love me like it’s been forever.”

Bless this sweet boy and his family. Share this emotional story on Facebook.


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