Abused Pitbull brothers cling to each other for comfort waiting for someone to help them

Animal cruelty comes in many forms, for some it’s obvious that animals have suffered at the hands of violent owners but for others it’s more subtle.

As animal owners we have a duty of care to not only love and feed our faithful friends but also treat them when they are sick.

For three Pitbull puppies they were not only neglected but when they got sick their owner refused to take them for treatment.

The three brothers Chase, Haagen Dazs, and Klondike had suffered so much at the hands of their Washington D.C. owner Brenda Bullock that she was charged with three counts of animal cruelty, according to CBS Baltimore.

Lisa Fontaine from the Humane Society said: “By the age of four months, Chase and his two siblings had experienced more suffering than any living being should be subjected to in a lifetime. 

“Cruelty to animals in any form can never be tolerated and the people of our community should know that we will relentlessly pursue those that commit these crimes.”

Mange was ignored for months

The dogs were seized by animal control and taken to a veterinary clinic where they were found to be suffering from severe mange, which can be easily treated, but it was ignored by their owner for months.

Chase, was the most severely affected and needed emergency care. He had mange, badly infected skin and was severely emaciated, had low blood sugar, low body temperature, and low blood protein. He was also anemic and couldn’t walk without assistance.

Funky Smile/YouTube

He spent 12 days in hospital where doctors didn’t think he would survive but after blood transfusions he managed to recover, according to CBS Baltimore.

Now the future is so much brighter for these fur babies who all went to a special foster home. Haagen Dazs found his forever home first and Chase had to stay in foster care to get special care as his immune system is compromised.

All three are on the path to finding the home they truly deserve.

Find out more about this loveable trio in the clip below.


Such a terrible start in life, I’m just glad these three had each other for comfort.

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