When you help out a stray animal, they never forget it. Strays are often scared of humans, but if you show them some kindness, they’ll know they can trust you.
That’s what one story shows: after a woman took care of a stray mother cat, the cat knew she could be trusted with her precious kittens.
A woman named Shea Prior, from Alabama, first found the stray cat in her backyard a few months ago. Recently, she finally got a chance to get close enough to feed the cat… and realized she had children.
“I was petting her and went to pick her up and that’s when I realized she had milk in and had been nursing some babies,” Shea told The Dodo.
She fed and petted the stray mama cat, telling her she’d love to see her babies.
“I started telling her to show me to her babies, and that I bet her babies were so pretty,” Shea wrote on Facebook. “All the while she’s just croaking away.”
Little did she know, the cat was really listening… and the next day, arrived with some company:
The cat was eager to show off her pride and joy to her new human friend.
“She led me over to my shed and I looked and saw a couple little fluffballs staring back at me,” she told The Dodo. “She flopped over on her side and started calling to them to come out and see me.”
She says that while the kittens were shy at first, their mother seemed to let them know everything was okay. “Eventually, after about 10 to 15 minutes, they had all come up to me and let me hold them and pet them,” Shea said.
And it turns out, these cats put their trust in just the right person: Shea set out to find homes for all of them.
All of these adorable kittens have been adopted, and will go to their new forever homes once they’re old enough. Shea has set up a GoFundMe page to help pay for the kittens’ vet bills.
And the mother cat has her own inspiring happy ending: Shea adopted her!
There’s no better feeling than earning an animal’s trust. Thank you to Shea for showing so much love to these stray cats! Share this inspiring story!