Firefighter overcome with emotion after kitten rescue

Our image of firefighters is one of strong men and women running into burning buildings to rescue those trapped inside; they risk their lives every day.

But firefighters do even more than this; they are often first on the scene when a traffic collision occurs, they assist at chemical spills, flooding and even water rescues.


They also help animals that are trapped and in the video below you can see a firefighter in action saving a kitten from a building in Italy. However his reaction has caused hearts to melt around the world.

The video shows the firefighter in Massa Carrara, in the Tuscany region of central Italy, working with his team to rescue four newborn kittens trapped in a courtyard, according to Paws Planet.


As the firefighter rescues the tiniest of kittens from the building he’s overcome with emotion. His colleague films him petting the kitten and shedding a tear for the helpless creature.

He told his colleague: โ€œI feel like crying, do you believe?โ€

His colleague shared the video, which quickly went viral and won the hearts of people around the world.

See the touching moment when the firefighter is overcome after saving these sweet kittens in the clip below.

UOMINI!!! ๐Ÿ˜

Posted by Il silenzio dell'anima di Serena Takdeer on Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Seeing a grown man cry after saving this tiny kitten is enough to make us all cry tears of happiness. 100% Hero, no doubt about it. Never trust a person who don’t love cats.

Please share to show your support for all the firefighters who risk their lives every day to help us and our animals.