Family discovers 450-pound pig in their yard — uses Oreos to help him get back home

It’s always nice to read about people helping lost pets get home safe and sound. Recently, one Wisconsin family stepped up to help an animal who wandered into their driveway — and it wasn’t a dog or a cat, it was a 450-pound pig!

Jake Molgaard, from Brighton, Wisconsin, and his wife were at home Friday night when they noticed something unusual on their security cameras, according to WTMJ.

It was a giant black pig, casually walking around in their driveway.


The family soon learned that the pig belonged to a nearby hobby farm, and he had gotten loose — apparently, in search of some friends.

“Yeah, his name is Kevin Bacon and he’s actually a little lonely, so he’s probably just looking for company,” Jake recalled the pig’s owner saying over the phone.

Kevin Bacon’s owner was out of town when his pig wandered off, so the family took it upon themselves to get the animal back home — no easy task, given that the farm was a mile away and the pig weighed 450 pounds.


But they learned that their new friend has a weakness for sweets and junk food — he often eats donuts at the farm — so they used Oreo cookies and other snacks in their fridge to lure Kevin Bacon towards home.

At the owner’s suggestion, Jake’s daughter even jumped on the pig’s back to get him to run. The family also had help from the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department.

The operation reportedly took two and a half hours, but they got Kevin Bacon back to the farm safe and sound.

Jake says that by the end, his kids were so smitten by the giant pig that they wanted to keep him for good — an idea he quickly quashed.

“They all wanted to adopt him immediately. And I said we don’t have a place to put a 450-pound pig,” he told WTMJ. ” But yeah, they fell in love with him right away.”

We’re so glad this big hungry pig is home safe and sound! Thank you to this family for helping Kevin Bacon!

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