Veterinarian rescues frightened fawn in the middle of the road covered in hundreds of ticks

Sometimes there’s no other explanation for things than it happened because of fate.

Brad Nadelstein and his wife Sommer were driving in Northampton County, Virginia on June 13 when the couple spotted a fawn running into stopped cars.

There was something off about the little wild creature, so Brad, a veterinary ophthalmologist, took a closer look.

Some of the following images and video may be disturbing.


The fawn was unable to see because there were hundreds of ticks in and around its eyes.

“The fawn couldn’t see. Talk about stopping in front of the right car. Her eyes are embedded with ticks on both sides, she was panicked,” Sommer said.

Brad took the frightened fawn into his arms and contacted Gay Frazee of Wildlife ER Education and Rehabilitation.

For the next several days, Frazee removed between 500 and 1,000 ticks from the fawn’s eyes.

“We removed all these ticks, clean around the eyes, and get rid of all the infection. Then remove all the debris and drain some of the abscesses around there,” Brad said.


Surprisingly the fawn’s cornea was untouched.

The doctors believe the fawn’s eyes were so swollen from the infection the ticks were unable to reach its eyes. So in a sense, the infection saved its eyes.

As for now, the fawn will remain at the rehab center for at least another month where it will continue to recover.

It is everyone’s hope that the fawn will be able to be released back into the wild once it has fulled recovered.

Thank you Brad and Sommer for stopping to help this little fawn!

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