This cross fox is shocking us all with his unusual markings

Images of an unusual fox have been posted online and we’ve all fallen in love with him.

The stunning images were posted by an S.Gaby, who is a keen photographer who started snapping at the age of 10, according to Instagram.

Many people were quick to point out how incredible the close-up shot of the fox was. The person who took the photo was also impressed with how close they managed to capture the creature.

“I don’t know if I will ever top this shot. Mat (#crossfox ) approached me while I was squatting. He was very curious to find out about the big black thing I am holding with my hands 📸. As you can see, he looks calm, relaxed, confident and friendly,” the post read.

Cross foxes are found in North America and have a prominent black stripe along the spine and a stripe along the shoulders at a right angle, which gives the appearance of being a cross, according to the Fox website.

They are said to be common in North America and Canada where they make up around 30% of Canada’s red fox population. They were also common in Idaho and Utah before being largely killed off.

Some have likened the fox to characters from Japanese phenomenon Pokemon as it could be compared to Fox Pokemons Fennekin or Nickit.

Some of the images captured of the fox show it looking extremely menacing reminding us all that it is a wild animal, this makes capturing such beauty up close so special.

I’ve never seen anything like it, such a beautiful fox! Please share if you agree.

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