It’s a police officer’s duty to help everyone in their community, whether they be human or animal. We’ve seen many heartwarming stories of officers stepping up to help animals in unexpected ways.
That was the case in one feel-good story from Kentucky this week, as officers responded to a call about a distressed deer… and ended up helping her deliver her babies!
Deputies from the Warren County Sheriff’s Office responded to a call on Tuesday about a deer that had been laying in a local’s yard for two days.
According to a Facebook post from the department, the officers often deal with domestic animals, but a wild animal like a deer was more out of the ordinary.

An Animal Control Officer named Lisa arrived on the scene and quickly realized what was causing the deer’s distress: she was in labor! Lisa reportedly assisted in the delivery of the first fawn, and two more officers, identified as Gene and Sgt. Bull, arrived to help out with the birth of its twin.
“The baby fawns were tended to and assisted with bottles of milk while momma was assessed and helped to drink water via a syringe,” the Warren County Sheriff’s Office wrote.
The deer and her two fawns were transported to a temporary home at a rehabilitation facility.
The sheriff’s department shared the story, calling it the “feel-good story of the week” and thanking the responding officers for their “caring hearts.”
The story has been shared over 400 times, and many people have thanked the officers for helping the distressed mama deer.
“Great job, Officers!! Thank you so much for ALL you do!” one person commented.

Since this story broke, there has been a sad update: the mama deer has sadly passed due to medical complications, despite efforts to save her life, according to a post from Wild 4 Life.
However, her newborn fawns are still alive, and are now called “Jack and Jill.”
“They are very small and fawns are very fragile,” Wild 4 Life wrote. “Fawns are normally born late May or early June. No one has fawn this size so they need each other. I am praying they both make it.”
While this feel-good story took a sad turn, we still thank the officers for helping out and hope the newborn fawns survive.
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