trapped dogs - We Love Animals

trapped dogs

Stray dog had plastic bowl stuck on head: rescue team goes the extra mile to free her

Stray dog had plastic bowl stuck on head: rescue team goes the extra mile to free her

Sometimes animals get stuck in some pretty tricky places and need a little human help to get free. That was ...

Little puppy falls 3 stories and gets trapped in air vent — firefighters spend hours saving his life

A puppy was caught in a tricky situation after slipping through an air vent and falling four stories — but ...

Firefighters smash through wall to rescue trapped dog — thank you

Sometimes animals get stuck in some pretty tight places, and need a little human help to get free. Thankfully, you ...

Coast Guard officers hear barking and scratching from shipping container — save dog who had been trapped for a week

You never know where you’ll find an animal in need of help, and it’s always inspiring to see people go ...

Rescuers save dog trapped inside car engine — now she's looking for a forever home

Sometimes dogs get themselves stuck in some pretty surprising places, and need a little human help getting free. That was ...

Park workers rescue dog who had been trapped in crevasse for days

One missing dog’s scary ordeal is finally over, thanks to the quick actions of three national park employees who jumped ...