Women drive by a horse stop to say hello – just watch what happens when they turn the music up

Source: Youtube

Animals simply never cease to amaze me. There are some people who claim they don’t experience feelings as humans do; some that they specifically can’t feel joy – but this is completely wrong! I’m always surprised when I see how smart and fun animals can be. This particular horse, from Ontario, Canada, is a brilliant example!

Horse starts jamming

“We started singing and then noticed the horse started to dance, so we turned the music up even louder!”, Victoria told BuzzFeed.  Clearly, this horse has great taste in music.

Source: Youtube

It turns out that horses may well love music just as much as we humans do. The cousins couldn’t believe this majestic creature’s reaction —  and neither can I. Fortunately, the event was captured on film. It’s no wonder that the clip now has tens of thousands of views in just a few days.

The horse’s reaction has left the whole internet in stitches of laughter. Take a look at the amazing clip below:

Please share this article to show your friends this beautiful creature’s response. 

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