Woman finds abandoned puppy in a park – looks closer and understands why its owner dumped it

Both puppies were in bad shape. Unfortunately, Petey’s sibling passed away soon after they were rescued. But Petey was strong and fought on.

Veterinarians quickly administered him liquid nutrition. They discovered that he had several lesions on his body and worms in his stomach.

But they noticed something else was wrong with him — he walked in a strange way.

“He was unable to stand or walk without falling over,” Sarah Varanini from the SPCA told The Dodo. “At first, we weren’t sure if this was a result of malnutrition, illness or a congenital defect.”


As time went by, Petey’s overall condition improved, but one thing didn’t change — he still had a hard time walking. That’s when it became clear to everyone that the pup was suffering from cerebellar hypoplasia, a neurological disease that makes it difficult to move and walk.

Can live a good life

There is no cure for cerebellar hypoplasia, but one can learn to live with it and have a good life. Petey got help learning to lie down when he ate, which made things much easier for the sweet dog.

Despite his problems, Petey proved he was a great puppy who loved playing and cuddling. The disease did not affect him in any other way, and he is sure to have a great, happy dog life ahead of him!


Despite this, as with any dog with an acute condition, it would be more difficult to find him a forever home. Finding homes for shelter dogs is already an uphill battle, and Petey’s condition made it all the more challenging.

But on March 31, the day came at last. The Sacramento SPCA found the perfect family for Petey.

This dog was saved thanks to animal lovers who refused to give up. They gave Petey a chance despite his condition, and now he lives with a family that loves him just the way he is.

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All dogs deserve a loving home! Please share this wonderful story if you agree.

Good luck to sweet little Petey!

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