The loyalty and courage of dogs never cease to amaze me. They show us how goodhearted they are every day. Usually, it’s little things. But sometimes, they do things for us that even most humans wouldn’t dare.
This story about a German shepherd named Rex is probably one of the best examples I’ve every seen.
Sixteen-year-old Javier Mercado was home alone in Washington, USA when he heard his dog Rex start barking hysterically, writes Q13 Fox News.
Rex, a two-year-old German shepherd, noticed men had just broken into the house. As a result the barking, Javier was able to hide in the closet in his room on the second floor and call the police.
At the same time, Rex decided to confront the burglars.

Rex ran down the stairs to the ground floor and attacked the burglars.
The thieves then ran upstairs. Rex knew his brother was up there and ran up the stairs after the burglars.
All he wanted to do was to protect his family.

Then the burglars drew their weapons. They shot Rex three times, once in the neck and twice in the legs.
Javier Mercado heard everything from the closet and explained the horrifying event to Q13 Fox News.
“My dog cries after each shot. If Rex wasn’t there, they would have opened that door and they would have saw me in there.”
In the end, police sirens blared outside the house, and the thieves fled.
Rex was rushed to the animal hospital, where he found was admitted in critical condition. Initially Javier didn’t believe that his dog would survive. But Rex had saved his life, and he prayed his dog would make it.
“I just want to thank my dog. If it wasn’t for him, I feel like I wouldn’t be standing here right now,” Javier told Q13 Fox News.
“Rex is an angel. He’s my four-legged angel that we had at our house,” Javier’s mother, Julia, said.
The story of this heroic dog story soon went viral and numerous people donated money to the family to pay the dog’s medical bills. We hope that he recovers quickly and can go home to his family soon!
Dogs are amazing. Please share this story to pay tribute to this four-legged hero and wish him the best of luck!