Police dog finds missing 3-year-old boy in under 10 minutes

Dogs are the perfect companion for us humans, not only do they offer loyalty and unconditional love they also protect us.

These faithful four-legged friends have been known to risk their lives to protect us, especially in the police force where their amazing sense of smell is put to good use.

In the case of K-9 Bandit, his killer sense of smell was called on to find a missing 3-year-old boy in Ohio.

Within ten minutes Bandit shocked a distressed family who was elated at what this amazing hound had done.

Dogs have 225 million scent receptors in their nose, compared to us humans who have 5 million.

In this case K-9 Bandit put his scent receptors to very good use and found a missing 3-year-old boy within 10 minutes, according to Fox News.


Police received a call that a boy had disappeared from his home in Sidney and deputy Frank Bleigh and K-9 Bandit set out to search for the missing boy.

Just 10 minutes into their search Bandit found the boy about a quarter of a mile away from his home.

“Deputy Bleigh and K-9 Bandit started the search at the front of the house and within 10 minutes Bandit had located the child,” the sheriff’s office wrote on Facebook.

“This is exactly why we have dog units, watching this track you could tell very well that Bandit had the scent of the child and was well on his way to finding him.

“I would like to thank Frank and Bandit for a job well done and it was so amazing to watch this unfold.”

The Facebook post shared by Shelby County Sheriff’s Office has been shared over 2,000 times attracting almost 8,000 comments.

Please share to pay tribute to some stellar police work from K-9 Bandit and to all the police dogs who do amazing work every day.

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