People never fail to leave me speechless. Some people are so unbelievably cruel to animals that I just can’t imagine what goes through their minds. Do they even have a heart?
Luckily, this story has a happy ending, which is why I wanted to share it with you. I promise you’ll have a smile on your face by the time you finish reading.
It all began with Josiane Almeida, a Brazilian animal rights activist, making a post on Facebook about a dog and some puppies found abandoned on a road in 2018.
Someone had tied the mother up in a sack. The four puppies were crying next to their mother, unable to reach her through the sack.
”This is one of the worst cases of animal abuse I’ve seen,” Josiane later wrote in a Facebook post.

The dogs had been stranded on the road for a long time, and were dehydrated and afraid.
When Josiane came to the scene, she immediately released the momma dog from the bag. At first she was on her guard, afraid of what Josiane would do to her. She’d probably had only bad experiences of people.
But after a while, she understood that Josiane wasn’t going to cause her harm. She actually seemed to want to help them. The dog decided to trust Josiane.
Soon after that, the whole family was sitting in Josiane’s car, heading for a safer life.
The dogs were given food and water, and were able to rest for a while on a soft blanket. Then they were driven to the vet for a thorough examination.

They discovered that the momma dog had a cancerous tumor that was growing rapidly. That’s presumably why her owner chose to dump her in this way. The puppies were dehydrated, but otherwise healthy.
Josiane shared photos of the dogs on social media and told their story. It didn’t take long before donations came pouring in. Thousands of strangers were so moved by this story that they wanted to contribute to the momma dog’s cancer treatment.

Thanks to these contributions, treatment was able to begin immediately, and the momma dog now has a good chance of recovering. The puppies just need to grow a little more before they’re ready to be adopted out to new, loving homes.

From being dumped on the street to having a bright future ahead of them– I’m so glad that it all worked out well for these wonderful puppies!
All dogs deserve a loving home! SHARE if you agree!