Mom finds family pit bull dragging 7-month-old baby by her diaper after house goes up in flames

Having a dog around a small helpless baby is a situation that can cause concern for some people, especially when it comes to certain dog breeds with a reputation for being “aggressive.”

Probably at the top of this category is pit bulls as they are often viewed as unpredictable and sometimes dangerous.

But one mom has her pet to thank for saving her and her baby’s lives.

Latana Chai, a mother from California, was hit by a terrible tragedy.

The unthinkable happened when she was home with her seven-month-old baby girl Masailah.

Masailah is about the size of the family’s pit bull, Sasha, who is eight months old.

At about midnight on June 3, 2018, the mother suddenly heard Sasha barking loudly and scratching at the backyard door.

She noticed that the dog’s barks were particularly intense, and immediately felt alarmed.

She knew something wasn’t right. This was very unlike the family’s gentle four-legged member.


“I heard like, a loud bang and I was like, ‘what’s going on?’ I heard Sasha crying and she kept jumping at the door. As soon as I got to the door, she runs in and starts barking,” Latana said, according to Kare 11.

Found the pit bull in the baby’s bedroom

She opened the door to see what the dog was barking at outside — and that’s when she saw black smoke and flames coming out of the neighboring house. The fire was quickly spreading to Latana’s house, writes KTVU.


What Sasha did next is now being hailed by animal lovers all over the world.

Latana ran upstairs for Masailah, but Sasha was already well on her way. Latana watched in awe how the family pit bull bit into the baby’s diaper and dragged her out of danger.

The family credits Sasha’s early warning barks for keeping them safe.

The mother could then take everyone to safety outside. If it weren’t for Sasha’s warning, the family might have been caught in the flames.

Find out more about this heroic dog and her life-saving actions in the video below.

Unfortunately, many believe that pit bulls are still only fighting dogs that are aggressive by nature.

This is another story that proves bully breeds do not deserve the stigma.

Pit bulls are wonderful family dogs and it is up to their owners to raise them right!

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