Michigan man buys fake teeth to cheer himself up in isolation, looks down and sees dog with brand new smile

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, people are finding all sorts of ways to keep themselves entertained.

For some, that means binge-watching TV, for others it means turning their attentions to personal projects they’ve neglected for too long.

For Ben Campbell, from Michigan, it meant buying some fake giant teeth. Ben thought at the very least it would provide him with some measure of amusement. He had no idea just how funny they would prove.

Facebook / Ben Campbell

When Ben purchased the over-sized teeth, he was hoping to get a laugh or two from them. His dog, Thomas, however, had plans of his own.

The plucky pup somehow managed to take Ben’s teeth from the table and – as fate would have it – they aligned exactly how they were supposed to.

Hilarity ensues

Fortunately, for us all, Ben decided to film Tom. “Thomas, what are you doing?” he asks, as the dog tries to make off with the false teeth.

The video has since done the rounds on social media. It will come as no surprise that it’s so far garnered millions of views.

Watch the video here:

Well, that’s my laughter done for the day! Thank you Ben, and thank you Thomas, for making my sides ache.

Share this video on Facebook if you, too, think it was funny. We all need a laugh during these uncertain times.

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