Man finds three very young puppies playing on the highway after being dumped

As cute as puppies are discovering them running around alone and in the middle of the highway is a scary sight.

Andrei Matei was forced to slam on his brakes when he saw something dart across the road as he was driving home from visiting his girlfriend.

As he slowed down he saw more of the little animals running around and realized they were puppies.

“I immediately braked and stopped the car, and started going backwards,” Matei told The Dodo. “I went out of the car and there were three puppies, jumping on my leg and very happy. They did not have any idea that they were one inch close to death.” 

He didn’t know what to do with these very friendly creatures but knew he couldn’t leave them alone in the middle of the highway so put them in his car and drove the three-hour journey home.

The puppies were so happy to be in the warm car and were clearly very excited. Eventually they wore themselves out with all the excitement and fell asleep.

While sleeping Matei took some pictures of the puppies and posted them on Facebook and was put in touch with a woman who had experience rescuing puppies.

He called her and she agreed to meet him at a local vet to help get the puppies cleaned up and checked out. 

According to the vet, the puppies were only 4 to 5 weeks old and all had fleas but were in good health. They were also surprisingly friendly considering they had been cruelly dumped at the side of a highway.

The woman then agreed to take all the puppies home and find them good homes.

“I left after with her promise that all the pups will be fine and that she will take care finding them new homes,” Matei told The Dodo. “I checked after one week on her Facebook page and all the pups were with their new families, safe and happy.” 

Who knows what could have happened to these puppies if Andrei Matei hadn’t rescued them.

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