Dogs are such caring and protective animals. They’ll always step up to help when someone’s in need, whether they’re human or animal.
Like one brave Labrador retriever, who stepped up to defend his little dog sister from a coyote attack.
Melissa and Freddy Patriarca, of Huntington Beach, California, watched a shocking scene captured on their security camera: their pet Boston terrier, Sadie, was attacked by a coyote.

The wild animal had the tiny dog by the neck, and Sadie was yelping in pain. “My heart was breaking when I heard her scream,” Freddy Patriarca told WABC. “And just knowing that a wild animal like a coyote could just jump the wall so easily, and almost take our loved one away.”
But thankfully, tragedy was averted thanks to one of the couple’s other dogs: a brave lab named Cody, who heard the commotion and immediately jumped into action to defend the smaller dog. “Cody ran outside immediately barking,” Freddy told CBSLA.

The bigger dog’s interference got the coyote to let go of Sadie, and the two pet dogs joined forces to scare the animal away from the home.
According to FOX 11, another of the family’s dogs, Zoey, also got involved. The owners were impressed by their dogs’ heroism.
“Big brother came to try to save her, and even her, like running after the coyote after,” Melissa Patriarca told WABC.

The situation left the couple rattled, afraid that coyotes in the area could pose a serious threat to their beloved pets. According to CBSLA, another coyote in the area recently injured a 3-year-old girl, and the couple’s children are afraid to play in the yard.
“I feel unsafe,” Melissa told the outlet.”We should feel safe here, in our own home.” The coyote who attacked Sadie was reportedly found and euthanized by authorities.
While it’s a scary situation to live through, the worst was avoided: while Sadie suffered a few bites, she was back to her normal self after taking antibiotics.

She’s safe and sound, all thanks to brave dog Cody.
“It was scary. It happened so quick. Cody did save the day,” Freddy told FOX 11. “If Cody wasn’t around, she would be gone.”
What a scary situation, but we’re so glad Sadie is safe now thanks to her dog brother Cody. It’s always amazing to see dogs protecting other dogs.
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