For some people, their pets are the only thing they have in the world. There are homeless people who still give everything for their dogs, who are often the only real companions they have to rely on.
Which is why one homeless veteran was left devastated when his dog went missing. But luckily, his friend has since been found, in a heartwarming reunion.
Michael Hatfield is a Vietnam veteran who lives on the streets of Kettleman City, California. Most locals have seen him and his trusty emotional support dog, Rerun, in their usual spot by the gas station.

“Any anybody who travels through Kettleman City has seen this man,” Kings County Sheriff’s Deputy John Daulton told KMPH. “He’s the guy who’s on the corner always holding this sign and Rerun is always right next to him.”
Hatfield says he’s estranged from his family members, so Rerun is really the only family he has. But he was left devastated recently when Rerun suddenly went missing, apparently taken by someone.
“He’s my boy. All I got is him. He sleeps with me. I lost him. Somebody took him,” Hatfield said.
“I haven’t been able to sleep, eat, I’m lost. That’s my life, nobody else.”

He couldn’t find his friend anywhere, so he turned to local police for help. Deputy Daulton shared the story on social media, getting locals involved with the search for Rerun.
The post was widely shared, but days went by with no sign of the dog anywhere. But thankfully, on Sunday, the mystery came to a close — with a happy ending.
It turns out Rerun wasn’t stolen after all — he was taken in by a family who feared he had been abandoned, the Kings County Sheriff’s Office reported. He was kept safe, and even got a nice road trip and a bath. But after the family saw the story on local news, they returned Rerun to Hatfield.
Hatfield was thrilled to have his old friend back safe and sound, and took him into his arms when they reunited.
We’re so glad Rerun is back with Hatfield safe and sound. A dog’s love and companionship is an important thing, especially when they’re all you have in the world.
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