A fraternity at Long Island’s Hofstra University has been suspended and is facing harsh criticism after video surfaced allegedly showing Alpha Epsilon Pi members forcing a small dog to drink beer.
“The behavior seen on the video is unacceptable and in violation of the University’s Code of Community Standards,” Karla Schuster, a spokeswoman for the university, said in a statement.
According to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), the incident occurred at an off-campus fraternity house in Hempstead, New York on May 11. The video, which was initially shared on Snapchat before it was posted on Twitter, shows one fraternity member pick up a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel as another puts the tap near the dog’s mouth.
People are heard in the background cheering them on.
“It was very wrong on so many levels‚” Gary Rogers, a spokesman for the Nassau County SPCA, told The Washington Post. “I’m sure it wasn’t the dog’s idea, ‘Hey, I want some beer.’ Animals don’t make that choice.”
After the video was shared on Twitter, concerned users began contacting the university demanding they take action against the students.
“In accordance with University policy, the chapter has been placed on interim suspension pending an investigation,” Schuster said.
In addition Alpha Epsilon Pi International headquarters has placed the Hofstra chapter on “‘cease and desist’ due to suspected violations of our health and safety policies.”
Jon Pierce, a spokesperson for the fraternity, said in a statement that they hope this will turn into a “teaching moment.”
The university and SPCA confirmed that if necessary charges would be filed.
“Our paramount concern is the safety of the dog,” Rogers said. “The dog is no longer in that environment.”
Chances are if you’re capable of doing something horrific to a defenseless animal you’re capable of doing it to a person.
There was nothing funny about this stunt. Thankfully the dog was removed from the situation, but the people involved need to face consequences.
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