It was a scary time for one boxer dog who was abandoned by her owners, left alone locked in the back yard and heavily pregnant.
The owner of a rental property in Florida discovered a hungry and anxious Java while checking on the house after the tenants had moved out.
She reached out to the family that had moved out but they claimed to have no knowledge of the dog so all the owner could presume is that she had been abandoned.

The property owner gave Java food and a bath and then set about trying to find a shelter which would take her and her soon to be born puppies in.
Karen from Lost Pet Found Pet had her checked over by a vet who told her the heavily pregnant boxer had an eye and ear infection due to the neglect she had suffered at the hands of her previous owners.
She then worked hard to find a shelter where Java could safely give birth but as the day wore on time was running out as it was after hours and shelters were closing their doors.
Thankfully more animal angels came to her aid and Nob Hill Animal Clinic in Plantation gladly opened their doors after hours to take her in.

The sweet dog held on until she felt safe to give birth and it wasn’t long before 9 puppies were born.
“The next morning, they walked in and she had given birth to her first baby,” Karen told Little Things.
Java was such a good mom and let staff handle her babies to make sure they were okay and then allowed them to check her over to make sure she had given birth to all of her litter.
As soon as staff were confident that Java and her babies were healthy the new family was transported to Florida Boxer Rescue.

Lost Pet Found Pet was even able to raise $1,500 to help toward her and her puppies’ care, which they transferred to the Florida-based rescue.
Over the next few months, Java received treatment to help with the neglect caused by her former owners.
The puppies were all found loving homes and even Java found a home of her own where she’d never have to worry about being abandoned again.
It took a team of angels and generous donations from the animal-loving public to ensure this dog was safe and her puppies were found new homes.
These people deserve medals for their selfless actions in helping Java and her puppies. Please share if you agree!