Heartless thug swings poor dog around by its leash, repeatedly slams it onto the ground and films the whole thing

Animal abuse may be on the decline, what with offenders so often being caught and called out, but it’s still far too prevalent for our liking.

It seems as though every day do we unearth new instances of people mistreating our furry friends. We will not stand for it, and neither should you.

Fortunately, through the power of the internet, it’s becoming increasingly easy to make infamous those who would harm animals for their own enjoyment. People such as 30-year-old Michael Fore, of Palo Alto, California.

He was caught on camera slamming a dog repeatedly on the ground after swinging it by its leash. He filmed the incident on his own camera, but remained unaware that his actions were also being taped on a nearby security device.

The footage sees him swinging the small dog in the air, before proceeding to slam it a number of times onto the ground.

No sooner had the footage been made public than did people begin a search to name and shame him on social media. Redwood City police took charge of the investigation, urging others to help identify him.

Before too long, they were inundated with tips and were able to positively identify Fore, who tried to flee when they took him into custody.

A statement from the East Palo Alto Police Department read: “During the arrest, the Suspect attempted to evade the officers by climbing out onto the balcony from his third-floor apartment and onto the roof of the apartment complex.


“The officers detained the Suspect on the rooftop without further incident and placed him under arrest.”

Fore was later charged with felony animal cruelty and booked at the San Mateo County Jail. It was soon discovered that Fore was not the owner of the dog. The real owner had no idea of what had happened.

The police statement continues: “Detectives located the dog’s owner, who was unaware of the incident. The dog was found to be safe and showed no signs of lasting injury and is doing well.”

Thanks to the power of social media, this animal abuser was caught and will face justice.

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