Foster mom makes ‘bucket list’ for terminally ill dog to make most of his final days

Most of us are familiar with the concept of a “bucket list”—the things and places you want to experience before you “kick the bucket.”

But what about dogs? They have an even shorter time on Earth than people do, and they should get to live life to the fullest while they’re still here.

Luckily, one terminally ill rescue dog got just that—a chance to fill his wishes before crossing the rainbow bridge, thanks to his foster parents.

Theo is a dog who was found abandoned in a Walmart parking lot in May, and brought to BAARK Dog Rescue. While he was finally safe, it was clear that he wouldn’t have much time left: he was over 12 years old, and had large cancerous masses throughout his body.

But his rescuers made sure that Theo would be loved for the rest of his life. A woman named Jenny Leech, from Illinois, took him in as a foster.

“Despite everything he is sweet, happy and loving with a huge zest for life,” Jenny wrote of Theo on Facebook.

It isn’t known how long Theo will be around, and there isn’t much they can do about his cancer. He is not a candidate for surgery.

But for now, Jenny is committed to making his final days as magic as possible… with his very own bucket list.

Facebook/Jenny Leech

“His bucket list was created to give Theo a chance to experience amazing things and receive huge amounts of love,” Jenny wrote.

Theo’s list includes things you might find on a human’s, like riding in a Mustang Convertible or going (pretend) skydiving:

Facebook/Jenny Leech
Facebook/Jenny Leech

Other fun events included Theo having his own picnic and birthday party:

Facebook/Jenny Leech
Facebook/Jenny Leech
Facebook/Jenny Leech

He even got to become an honorary fire dog:

Facebook/Jenny Leech

Jenny says that people have been reaching out and offering to help, generously providing the boat and car rides Theo has been enjoying.

Despite everything, Theo is still going strong for now and living his best life. He is on pain medication and other remedies. And Jenny says when the last day comes, they’ll be ready to say goodbye.

“At whatever point that we are seeing more pain, loss of appetite, less joy, or more bad days than good, we will be there to let Theo go,” she wrote on Facebook.

“For now, we go day by day and try to make each day the best ever for him.”

Facebook/Jenny Leech

We’re so glad this old dog is getting to enjoy life while he still can. Thank you to his foster mom for making this happen!

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