Elderly dog found tied to railings with heartbreaking note saying: ‘I have not learnt to be good’

Taking on a dog is a big responsibility not only to feed, clean up after, and ensure it gets all the exercise it needs but also to make sure it behaves.

But one dog owner decided their dog’s behavior was too much, so instead of taking on the responsibility to train it properly they dumped the animal with a note.

The 10-year-old black labrador was found tied to railings in Kent, England, with a note which read the dog had not “learnt to be good.”

“Hello, pls can you take me in as my owner has abandoned me after 10 years because I have not learnt to be good, so I have been returned here where he found me,” the full note read.

“Thank you for looking after me, sorry for inconvinance.”

This owner had decided to dump her loyal pet as if it was a bag of trash after looking after him for ten years. The poor dog must have been so confused and distressed.

Swale Borough Council’s stray dog service appealed for more information on social media as the dog was not fitted with a microchip.

“This elderly black Labrador was found tied up to railings at Jasmil Kennels,” a Facebook post read.

“We would very much like to speak to the owner to establish why the dog has been abandoned.

A Swale council spokesman added: “If an owner is struggling with their dog, this is not the way to deal with it.

‘This isn’t the way to do it’

“Re-homing is the last option, but this isn’t the way to do it, so we would appreciate any information we can get so we can speak to the owner.”

The post was updated to say the owner had been traced and relatives had offered to take the dog in after expressing shock at him being dumped.

Let’s hope this sweet dog can live out its senior years with people he knows. No dog should be dumped especially not an elderly one who has only ever known one real home.

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