All shelter dogs are looking for the perfect home, and it’s important to find just the right person. But sometimes it can be hard to find a home for a pet with special needs — they need someone who will understand them and give them the extra love they need.
Thankfully, those dogs sometimes do find the perfect owner, with someone who shares their same conditions. That was the case recently, when a double-amputee dog found a kindred spirit.
According to KGTV, two dogs—Chloe, a 9-year-old Shih Tzu and Roxy, a 13-year-old Chihuahua—were rescued on March 6 by San Diego Humane Society from a bad home situation. The owner had wrapped up their back paws to keep them from scratching, but had wrapped it so tightly it cut of blood flow.
Chloe’s paws were so badly damaged that she had to have both feet partially amputated.
However, Chloe was soon back on her feet, thanks to help from SDHS.
They helped her learn to walk again, using a wheelchair and prosthetics, and she now uses orthopedic slippers.
While recovering, she was placed in foster care — with a foster parent with a unique understanding of her situation. James “Chappie” Hunter, a San Diego Police detective, is also an amputee: he lost his leg in a motorcycle crash in 2013, but has continued to work thanks to a prosthetic.
Hunter and Chloe no doubt shared a special, unique bond. Matching a pet and a human with similar disabilities can be mutually beneficial.
We’ve seen recent stories about children with conditions like amputated legs and cleft palates adopting dogs who share their conditions, and it has provided them a boost of confidence, giving them a friend who understands.
After three months of fostering Chloe, Hunter decided to make it official and adopted her!
Meanwhile Roxy, the other mistreated dog found with Chloe, is also on the road to recovery. According to KGTV, the chihuahua had her left hind foot partially amputated, but is learning to walk again after being fitted for a prosthetic device.
She is now in a foster home, and has about a month of recovery left.
Hopefully, she finds her own perfect home with someone who understands, and both these poor dogs get a happy ending.
It’s always great to hear when an animal gets adopted, but it’s even more special when it’s a story like this — a dog and an owner who were clearly meant to be together.
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