Dog shows up at Texas police station to ‘report himself missing’ – then runs home again

Anyone who has ever had a dog can attest to how scary the idea of losing them must be.

Well, perhaps not so if your dog has the wherewithal to report himself as missing. No, seriously, one pup did just that in the early hours of February 11, when he made his way to the Odessa Police Department in Texas.

As per reports, the dog had been separated from his owners and was missing from his home. Unfazed, however, he knew exactly what to do.

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Sergeant Rusty Martin was on hand to welcome “Chico” to the station. He was part of the team who processed the pooch and kept him entertained while they figured out what to do.

Speaking to The Dodo, Martin said: “Everyone loved on him.”

The department’s photos soon made their way Facebook, as well as the funny back story behind them.

So…. this happy guy randomly strolled into the front desk of the Police Department last night. We’re thinking he wanted to apply for a K-9 position after eliminating a Lassie type situation,” the statement reads.

While Chico had a collar on, his ID tag had fallen off. The team at the station called in animal control to look for a microchip, though before they arrived things took another surprising turn.

“He was given lots of love and attention until he decided it was time for him leave,” the post continued. “He let himself out and after an exhausting search was not found. We were relieved to learn he safely returned to his owner.

It turned out Chico decided he had spent long enough without his family and so headed home.

After seeing the police department’s post the next day, Chico’s owner contacted them to tell them that he had in fact returned back to where he belongs.

What a good boy Chico is. Certainly more street-wise than my dog ever will be!

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