Dog finds a forever home days after she was returned to shelter for being ‘too nice’

“Yes, she really was returned for being too nice,” LifeLine Animal Project spokesperson Karen Hirsch told TODAY.

In March 2018, a man walked into an animal shelter in Atlanta, Georgia wanting to return his dog, Helena. His reason? She demanded too much attention.

(Facebook/LifeLine Animal Project)

“It was obvious the gentleman was looking for a guard/protection dog. He also suggested she be adopted by a woman ‘because they are more into that petting stuff.'”

It was clear, even when Helena’s former owner was turning her over, that all the dog wanted was some extra love.

“She just wants attention,” Hirsch said. “If you stop petting her, she will request you continue.”

(Facebook/LifeLine Animal Project)

She quickly earned the nickname “Velcro dog” at the shelter.

“She sticks to your side like Velcro.”

The animal shelter shared Helena’s sad story on Facebook, and the response was exactly what everyone had hoped for.

Two days later Helena found a forever home that appreciated her need for affection.

(Facebook/LifeLine Animal Project)

Aww! This is such a happy ending for Helena, especially since she first ended up at the shelter as a malnourished stray just a few months before her former owner returned her.

Now she’ll be able to receive all the love she deserves!

Pass this post on tif you’re glad Helena finally found the perfect home.

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