Homeless dog and her newborn puppies are rescued from huge rainstorm

Rainbow, who had usually been shy, did not have the same opportunity to run away after she had her her puppies, refusing to leave their side. Staff from Hope For Paws realized she couldn’t go anywhere but still spent the time gaining her trust with food — despite the pouring rain.

Hope For Paws

It had taken the animal rescue staff hours to locate Rainbow and her pups and it was dark by the time they found her, they were not going to be deterred by this protective mother.

Staff spent time with Rainbow, who was still exhausted after birth, before they picked up her first baby. At once the mom’s eyes filled with concern. What was happening? Would they take her puppies away from her?

Hope For Paws

One by one they carefully took the puppies away and placed them in a safe spot. The mother looked worried.

Hope For Paws

When all the puppies were safe, they carefully pulled Rainbow out of the bush. Her eyes were filled with horror, but she did not resist her rescuers. Hope for Paws then transported all the dogs safely to the dog’s home, and at last Rainbow could be reunited with her little ones – in a warm, safe bed.

I cannot even imagine what a relief it must have been for her!

Hope For Paws

Watch the rescue of these adorable pups and their mother In the video below.

[arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/fNLrE3ZdVe0″ /]

What a wonderful happy ending!

No dog or cat should have to live on the street! Please share if you agree!

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