Animal shelters across the country are constantly faced with overcrowding. When too many unwanted pets end up at a shelter, volunteers have to work extra hard to care for them and find them loving homes.
In April staffers at Villalobos Rescue Center in New Orleans discovered a dog tied to their fence. He was in need of help, only they weren’t sure how they’d be able to help.
Someone left the poor pit bull tied to the rescue’s fence along with a small bag of the dog’s possessions.
To complicate things even further, the frightened dog was tangled in its leash, and it was causing the dog pain, but he wouldn’t let anyone near him to help.
Whoever discarded the dog also left behind a note.
“Meet Rock,” the note read. “I can’t keep him no more due to personal problems with my family. He has been isolated in my room his whole life as my parents didn’t want him out of the room and on top of that, the landlord didn’t want dogs here.”
The person who wrote the note asked the rescue to “build his human interaction” and “give him a better home.”
“We were not the ‘last resort’…you were. All you had to do was talk to us and we might have been able to help in other ways,” the shelter said in response on Facebook. “Instead your dog just went from an isolated bedroom to the chaos of a shelter filled with dogs. He is having a meltdown right now and growling and wanting to bite everyone that he sees.”
Even though VRC was bursting at the seams, they took Rock in, despite not having too much hope for him.
But luck was on everyone’s side because the owner’s brother happened to see the Facebook post and rushed to the facility.
[arve url=”https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FVillalobosRescueCenter%2Fvideos%2F329416707717591%2F&show_text=0&width=560″ /]
“He was overwhelmed with grief,” VRC wrote on Facebook. “He had known this ‘Rocky’ since a puppy and since he no longer lived with his family, he had assumed all was well with the dog.”
When the man arrived at the shelter he “pleaded” with staffers to let him take Rocky home.
The decision was easy.
“Within seconds, this dog went from cowering and growling at all of us to recognizing the former owner’s brother.”
[arve url=”https://www.facebook.com/VillalobosRescueCenter/videos/604292476756062/” aspect_ratio=”9:17″ /]
I’m so glad this story has a happy ending!
You should know that there is ALWAYS another option and you shouldn’t leave your pet for someone to take care of because they became an issue for you.
Share this article to thank VRC for taking this sweet boy in even though they didn’t have the capacity.