It’s hard to imagine what a dog goes through when a human leaves them. They’re such loyal creatures it must be so confusing.
Dogs love all members of their family and when one leaves it might feel like a huge adjustment four our four-legged friends.
One dog was without a special member of his family for two years. Casey the Schnauzer’s beloved Rebecca had left the family home for two years to work in Slovenia.
Her parents filmed the moment she returned to her home in Pittsburgh and was reunited with her beloved hound.

The dog Casey’s reaction is the most heartwarming I’ve ever seen. Not only is she so excited and makes the loudest whining noise but she gets so excited to see Rebecca she passes out.
Rebecca cannot believe Casey’s reaction and laughs as her dog shows just how overwhelmed she is.
The video was posted on YouTube and more than 50 million people have watched it.

I suppose in dog years Casey waited 14 years to see her beloved Rebecca again so you can understand her excitement, but it did cause concern for her owners.
As noted by the owner on the YouTube video: “The schnauzer, Casey, was taken to the vet a few times. The vet saw the video, and everything is fine with her. No worries!”
Casey was just so overwhelmed with love and excitement. I’ve never seen anything like it.
See for yourself in the clip below.
Please share if Casey’s reaction also melted your heart.
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