Dog was inconsolable when his best friend died – then owner does everything to make him happy again

Forsberg and the cat had spent many happy hours together. After the kitty’s death, Forsberg was completely heartbroken. He missed his friend terribly.


Forsberg’s owner Jen Philio couldn’t stand to see her precious dog so sad. She decided she had to do something. She decided to give Forsberg a very special gift.


She knew that nothing could replace Forsberg’s cherished friend, but hoped that a new friend might lift his spirits.

So she adopted kitten Maxwell.


Nobody could take the old cat’s place, but now Forsberg had a new friend to play with. And from their first meeting, Forsberg och Maxwell were the best of friends. I hope they will enjoy many happy days together!


Don’t forget to tell your friends how much you love and appreciate them. One day they may not be around.

We hope that Forsberg and Maxwell enjoy many happy years together!

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