7 benefits of sharing your bedroom with your dog, new study reveals


A study of 150 dog owners from the Center for Sleep Medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona found some really exciting results for all us animal lovers.

Among those who took part in the study, 56 percent said they shared a bed or bedroom with a dog or cat. And in this group, 41 percent said the animals helped them to sleep better. This was due to the animals making their owners feel more secure with their pets by their side. Still not convinced? Below is seven reasons why sleeping with your pet nearby is good for you.

1. Reduces stress and anxiety

There is evidence that dogs reduce stress. For example, therapy dogs are used worldwide to reduce stress and anxiety. Just being near your pooch is enough to make you feel relaxed.


2. Feeling secure

Knowing that your pet is by your side makes most animal lovers feel safe. This is in addition to the fact that many dogs can physically protect you.

3. Keeping you warm

Most dogs love to lie down on you which is a real comfort. In addition, your four-legged friend keeps you warm during the cold winter months.

4. It’s good for your dog

It’s not just you who feels better to have your dog in bed with you, the dog also appreciates being by your side at night. There is no one else in the world that your dog loves as much as you, so to allow it in bed with you also helps to improve the dog’s life.


5. Helps you fall asleep

Studies show that the feeling of security you get from your dog will also help you to sleep better.

6. Reduces the risk of depression

Dogs provide unconditional love. For those people suffering from depression, close proximity to a dog can make them feel better.

7. Offers comfort

A hug from your best friend means a better mood before falling asleep and a more restful 40winks.

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