Due to the coronavirus pandemic, pretty much everyone in the world is practicing “social distancing,” staying at home and keeping themselves healthy.
Of course, it helps to have good company at a time like this. Just ask movie star Arnold Schwarzenegger, who’s passing the time at home with his adorable pets—including a mini horse and a donkey—while also spreading important messages about virus prevention.
Arnie, the star of action movies like The Terminator, might be a big tough guy on screen, but in real life he’s the kind of guy who will make a hand-washing tutorial with his dog Cherry:
Washing your hands thoroughly is a key part of preventing the coronavirus spread, and Schwarzenegger—also the former governor of California—knew his cute dog would make for a perfect public service announcement.
“I tried to do a hand-washing tutorial for Cherry but I think you guys will pay more attention,” he wrote.
“Everyone should do that, everyone should wash their hands at least 20 seconds … as much as possible,” he tells the viewer.
Of course, washing your hands isn’t the only precaution—you also need to self-isolate and stay at home… as Schwarzenegger reminded everyone in another video, this time enlisting his pony Whiskey and his donkey Lulu.
“The important thing is you stay home,” especially if you’re 65 and older, the 72-year-old actor says, while feeding carrots to his pets in his kitchen.
Not only are these videos a reminder of the necessary precautions we all need to take in light of the coronavirus, but they’re a reminder that things aren’t so bad—there’s plenty of fun to be had at home, especially if we have the right company.
“So much more fun than going outside,” Schwarzenegger says while hugging his pets.
With so much going on in the world it’s nice to see someone having fun with his pets—and spreading important messages while doing it!
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