I think it’s hard to be an animal lover without being grateful to those that dedicate their lives to helping them.
But I wonder if any of us really understand the dedication and hard work that goes into rescuing our desperate creatures.
One group of animal heroes in India were filmed saving a dog in a life-threatening situation. The hours they put into rescuing him has led to this video being shared around the world.
The dog was found stuck to the ground and unable to move after he had fallen in a pool of tar; he was barely recognizable as a living being when they found him.

They immediately got to work rubbing vegetable oil into his skin to loosen the tar and free him. You can see the look of despair in his eyes; nobody knows how long he had been stuck there in the heat and humidity.
Claire Abrams from the animal welfare group, Animal Aid Unlimited, says staff from the charity rushed to the scene in the city of Udaipur, Rajasthan, after receiving a phone call about the helpless dog.
“There was no way he could have come out of his own, without any intervention,” she said, according to CNN News.

They managed to free the dog so he could be taken to the shelter but it took a couple of days to get all of the tar out.
“He was petrified and breathing heavily,” rescuers said of the dog they called Tar Baby, on his first night at the shelter.
Thankfully Tar Baby made a recovery and was vaccinated by the Udaipur-based shelter, which is home to a number of dogs, cows, monkeys and pigs.
It’s so inspiring watching these animal rescuers free this sweet dog from that terrible substance, they are true heroes.
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