Every morning at 6, family is woken by odd noise – set up hidden camera and can’t believe their eyes

The couple that lived in the house liked to close their door at night to get a little peace and quiet. That’s when they would hear the strange noise.

It was like someone knocking very rapidly on the door. After a while they realized  it was one of their cats making the noise– but they couldn’t figure out how he was doing it.

So they set up a camera to catch the cats on film.

What they captured is like nothing I’ve ever seen before! The cat is stamping on the door at high speed. I can’t describe it any better than that, so you’ll just have to see it for yourself in the clip below:

[arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/75y-fIrvkow” /]

Do you have a cat with strange habits? Or do they wake you up in a funny way?

Please share this article and tell us your experiences in the comments!

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