Anyone who has a cat probably has had their feline friend bring something home that didn’t belong to them. What have you done with your cat’s gifts? Thrown them out? Kept them?
BJ Ross set up a Facebook group to return the items, specifically shoes, her cat, Jordan, has so lovingly decided to bring home.
“In the morning I would find three, four shoes, well now we started keeping them because they obviously belong to somebody,” Ross said.
Every night Jordan treks about 7 miles around his hometown of Altoona, Pennsylvania, gathering shoes from his unsuspecting neighbors.
Ross said that that funniest part is if one night Jordan brings one shoe, the next night he’ll bring its partner to complete the pair.
She estimates that they now have a collection of 50 pairs of shoes that have been taken from their owners.
It wasn’t always this way with Jordan.
“Last year, he brought me dead mice, live snakes, dead and live birds, garbage including an empty chip bag and a rubber glove,” Ross wrote in the Facebook group.
She said it wasn’t until January that she noticed he started bringing shoes home. Her mother suggested she keep the shoes so that one day she could return them to their owners.
Ross eventually fitted Jordan with a GPS tracker and placed a security camera in the family’s backyard to keep track of the black and white cat’s movements.
“I knew it was him, but that kind of solidified that it was really him,” she said.
So far more than 7,000 have joined Jordan’s Facebook group. No word yet on exactly how many shoes they’ve been able to reunite with their owners, but at least one neighbor was able to collect a handful.
You can follow Jordan’s nightly adventures on Facebook.
What a silly cat! Does your cat bring you home any special gifts?
Let us know on Facebook!